Last Thanksgiving Mass @ St. Benedict - it was closed January 16, 2011.

Olivia's 7th grade Volleyball team - can you find her?! GO TROJANS!!!!!!!!

Sherman - he has 2 months left at our house before spring chicks arrive.
REALLY! If you know anyone that lives out of town or looking for a pheasant dog-he's all yours!

Nice picture for Grandma Pat's funny shaped picture frame. Merry Christmas gma & gpa!!

Grandpa Nickolay & the great grandchildren... wow grandpa has a busy family!!!
And now the update...
Warm today, snow storm tomorrow. Honestly we have loved the "real" Mn winter we have finally had since 1991 or so. This being our first one on the country homestead we've worked hard for or this is the first one since we were 13 yrs old! (Might I add that is the same age Olivia is approaching.)
Oh if I could only share every day occurrences with everyone -Tim says I should write a book...
The most wonderful thing over the last week or 2 was all the love we experienced; I will share!
*Watching our kids work diligently on creating & writing their names over & over on their Valentines for all the wonderfully special people in their lives- priceless.
*Being honorary guests at Aaron & Bryn's wedding (We weren't actually distinguished in the program or anything but being part of Aaron's life is something we very much treasure.) You guys are awesome!!! We're SO happy for you.
*Renewing our very own wedding vows. Our new priest thought it would be nice for all the married couples at church to renew their vows in honor of Valentines Day. "Those married 50 yrs or long please stand up... 25 years or long... 10 years or longer..." After all the married people in the church were standing Father Dave started again... "Take each others right hand..." It was a humbling experience to say the least. I can't imagine the joy and love shared that day for all those who maybe hadn't said those "in sickness & health... I will honor you and love you all the days of my life." in so many, many years. God is good.
Well, let's see... October was the last time I was on here... I won't say much other than I am contemplating starting "Our Angel Wall". This would include pictures of the following people...
Great Grandpa & Grandma Shimota
Great Grandma Chromy
Great Grandma & Grandpa Thomas
Grandma Pieper
"Grandma B" (Grandma Blissenbach for long version - Mike's mom)
Grandma Nickolay
Pa Nickolay
Pa Lemke a.k.a. "Pa Jeepers"
Father Elgar
Hug your loved ones often & no matter what happens on earth look forward to your treasures in heaven.
Until next time!!!!!!!!!!!